When we turn on a television set, we get a range of channels to keep us informed and entertained for all the 7 days of a week. When we browse the internet, an ocean of information floods at a click of a mouse. I guess we are just way to lucky to live in this era of advanced technology. These media plays a very crucial role in our day to day life in shaping our beliefs, perceptions, ideas, values and our behaviour in the society. It is a powerful medium of education and entertainment in numerous ways. But did we ever stop for a while and think what impact exactly is the media leaving on you, me, our family, on the coming generation and the society?

Our society is rampant with corruption, crime, etc. and many a times media plays the role of adding fuel to aggressive behaviour, violence, sex, obscenity etc. however more over in the younger generation.

The following two posts will deal with such issues. It is to be noted that the following posts are analysis of five research papers each post. The first post will be a brief analysis on the effects of violence in media and the second on the sexual content in media. Each post has a bibliography of the research papers followed for this project.

3 September 2012

Is Capital Punishment valid for terrorists?

There are many kinds of crime and sins that a human being commits on every day basis, calling it the ‘human nature’. Every holy book talks of Karma as to what you sow you reap but not encouraging killing of human beings, in particular. Unlike the holy books, one of the measures of the government is to punish the sinners (terrorists) by imposing Capital Punishments. Indian law follows the traditional way of hanging by the neck until death.  

In simple and understandable words, Capital Punishment is the act of killing or executing a person who is found guilty of a very serious crime in the eyes if the law. Application of this kind of punishment is quite a debatable topic considering it brutal and justful at the same time. In most of the cases, punishment for terrorist actions with capital punishment is necessary. If once a Capital Punishment is awarded to criminal a threat will be incepted in the minds of others who wouldn’t dare to disrupt the peace and harmony in the society. This way people involved in criminal activities will feel the power and strength of the existing law.    

However, if Capital Punishment has to be imposed on any criminal, on what background has he committed the crime and how badly has it affected the society should be taken into consideration and then and only then, the punishment should be given. Like when a student commits a school felony he should be educated rightly by elders.

            It is the basic math that the punishment should equal to the rate of crime. Some crimes are so horrifying that people consider revenge is the only option to satisfy their sorrow through seeing the terrorist receiving capital punishment.  This reasoning is not based on logic but on emotions, like an eye for an eye ideology. But here people fail to realize that an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.

In conclusion, Capital Punishment is one effective method to prevent and curb crime but at the same time one must consider the reasons of crimes and think for, if, any additional better way to resolve the problem.

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